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our ministries

seekers meeting

Services held every Thursday evening at 7:30 PM for prayer, worship and a word from Pastor Tony. This service is an opportunity to get alone with God in a concentrated and designated space with others seeking His presence. We follow the leading of the Spirit and there is no set format to this meeting. Join us!

women's ministry

Women from every walk of life are welcome! We hope you'll join women of like mind as we discuss faith and encourage one another in our individual callings. Gatherings are announced as scheduled and will be listed on our events page. Activities range from fellowship and prayer evenings to overnight retreats.

men's ministry

Men young and old are invited to join in prayer, study, and encouragement. Gatherings are announced as scheduled and will be listed on our events page. Whether it's a prayer breakfast or a golfing tournament, you're sure to leave encouraged!

children's church

We hold Children's Church classes during our Sunday Services for ages 5-10. Nursery is available for ages 5 and under!

Prayer Meeting

Temporarily Paused

All are welcome to join in corporate prayer for our community as we seek the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all flesh. We meet in the church building on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm. Unfortunately, no childcare is provided for this meeting at this time.

Seekers Meeting
Men's Ministry
Children's Ministry
Women's Ministry
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